Celebrate Journey Whittlesea as the Victorian Regional Winner of KindiCare Excellence Awards 2022

We are overjoyed to announce that Journey Whittlesea has been awarded as the regional winner for Victoria in this year’s KindiCare Excellence Awards.
The team received a tremendous rating of 9.7 and an exceeding rating from ACECQA.
The KindiCare Excellence Awards identify the top performers in early childhood education and care centres around Australia based on their KindiCare Rating.
Centre manager Sheri Barker says connection, communication and consideration are the core values they live by at Journey Whittlesea and that this is what contributes to making the service such a special place for children, families and educators.
“Our team are passionate, supportive, caring educators who always go above and beyond for the children and families within our service.”
“We understand how difficult it can be for families to leave their children with anyone else, we make the effort to get to know the whole family, to form strong connections so that the family feel supported each day.”
Sheri says communication with families is key to the centre’s success and that parents appreciate the efforts made by staff to keep them updated on children’s activities throughout the day.
“We ensure our communication with families is strong, we ensure families know what their child has been doing during their time at the centre so that they can have conversations with their children at home, creating a strong connection between the centre and the home environment.”
“We genuinely care about our children and their families. We aim to create experiences for children to learn and develop their skills, setting strong foundations in life. We are not just here for the children we are here for the whole family to support in any way we can.”
Congratulations to our incredible Whittlesea team for achieving this award, we are proud of you.
Learn more about Journey Early Learning Centre Whittlesea.