Your Child’s First Day

What to expect

When you arrive at our centre on your first day, you will be greeted by a member of our team who will help you find your child’s room and get settled in. We encourage you to spend some time playing with your child and the other children.
We know it can be a daunting experience, so no matter what questions you have, our Centre Manager and educators are here to help, guide you and let you know what the day will look like for your child.

Tips on saying farewell

Let your child know that you are leaving and when you’ll be back. This is helpful, even with babies.
Settle your child in a fun and engaging activity before leaving.
Let your child bring something they love from home such as a teddy or blanket. It will help them to feel safe and warm.
When you are ready to go, say goodbye to your child but try not to prolong this part.
As hard as it may be, try to keep a relaxed and happy expression on your face when leaving.
Gently encourage your child to separate from you. It’s important to give them positive experiences of separations and reunions.

Saying goodbye

can be emotional for you and your child. We want you to know that it’s perfectly okay to feel this way!

Messy play

Our little adventurers are encouraged to use their senses and explore their environments without needing to worry about keeping their clothes clean. We encourage you to dress your child in clothes that allow them to get a little messy without upsetting themselves or you.

Toilet Training

We are here to support you in making your child’s toilet training experience a positive one, where they develop independence and confidence. To assist us in this process, we encourage you to dress your child in clothing that will make it easy for your child to go to the toilet. This includes:
elastic waist pants & shorts
providing spare underwear and clothes.

What to bring

Formula/breast milk and empty bottles – all bottles must have a lid and be clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Spare, weather-appropriate clothes in case of a mishap, toilet training or water play, and a coat for cold weather (all clearly labelled with their full name). Please provide a bag for dirty clothes.
Sun hat – legionnaire style or wide brim.
Comforters or dummies, clearly labelled with their name.
Small bag to keep belongings in, clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Medications or creams that may be required. Please refer to our Medication Policy.

The first step of your journey starts right here

To find out more, call us on (07) 3102 1303 (08) 8986 7557 (03) 9005 4650 or use the form below.

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