Calculate Child Care Subsidy (CCS) 2024
Child Care Subsidy Estimator
Estimate your CCS and find out just how much you can save
Your family income
What is your combined annual family income?
Your CCS (%)
What is your Child Care Subsidy percentage?
Receive your results
Your CCS: 0%
Current 0
+1 Day 0
+2 Days 0
+3 Days 0
your day!
Recent changes to the Child Care Subsidy scheme means your family could be eligible for additional days at an affordable cost, depending on your family’s circumstances.
Extra Days
Sessional hours in a week
Weekly funded hours
Lower of funded hours and weekly hours
Hourly cost
CCS hourly cap ($)
Lower of CCS cap and hourly rate
Total Weekly Fees
CCS Funded Fees
CCS withheld by the Govt (5%)
Total Gov Funded
Weekly Gap Fee
*The above is a best estimate of your weekly gap fee and may vary slightly. These calculations assume that the user exceeds 48 hours of recognised activity per week. Learn more about your Activity level and subsidised care or contact us for assistance.
Begin your Journey
Simply use the form below to be contacted by our enrolments team
"*" indicates required fields
The first step of your journey starts right here
To find out more, call us on (07) 3102 1303 (08) 8986 7557 (03) 9005 4650 or use the form below.
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From peek-a-boo to prep, find out how much you can save.
It can be pretty complicated figuring out your child care subsidy, so we’ve made it easy for you with our very own Child Care Subsidy Calculator. Here is everything you need to know about the application for childcare benefits & childcare subsidy.