Prepare Your Child For The First Day Of Kindergarten 2024

Is your child about to start kindergarten for the first time? This is a major milestone in every parent and child’s life, and it can be as equally exciting as it is nerve-wracking. Here at Journey, we know just how big of a step it can seem, which is why we thought we would take a closer look at what you can do to prepare your child for their first day of kindergarten.
No matter which of the approved kindergarten programs your child is enrolled in, these tips are designed to ensure that both you and your child can have the very best experience possible:

School readiness skills
One of the most important areas to focus on ahead of their first day of kindergarten is to focus on their school readiness. This is the term used to refer to their ability to transition into preschool and covers everything from self-care and attentiveness to emotional and language skills.
These are the specific building blocks that their development is built on, and without these basic skills, your child could soon find they are playing catch-up with their classmates. In order to get your child ready, you should focus on several key areas:
- Encouraging your child to start practising their self-care tasks (such as dressing, toileting, and eating) early on.
- Exposing your child to books from an early age to encourage literacy skills.
- Encouraging them to develop relationships with other children of a similar age.
- Practising fine motor skills with them, such as colouring, drawing, cutting, and writing their name.

Get to know the school and teacher
Another top tip to get your child ready for their first day is to get to know the teacher and the school. Even if they are very excited to start, it can be a big process for them to adapt to, and the uncertainty can be a very daunting process that can cause them a great deal of upset.
That is why taking the time to get to know the school and the teacher so that they will have familiar surroundings and faces on their first day can help to ease them into the day. It can also help to practice the school day, allowing them to understand what will happen each day.

Be emotionally prepared to let go
Of course, your child’s first day at kindergarten is not just a big step for them. It can also be a very emotional moment for parents, as it is often the first time that they will spend long periods of time away from them.
Children are incredibly receptive, and they will be able to pick up on your anxiousness. That is why one of the most important things that you can do is to relax and let them explore their new environment.
That is not to say that learning to let your child go off and start discovering their independence is easy. Make sure that you have some tissue with you on that first day, and many parents find that having something to do on that day to take their mind off it, such as going for a workout, seeing a movie, or catching up with friends can help you significantly.

Practice at home
As the old adage goes, practice makes perfect, and this is especially true when getting your child ready for their first day of kindergarten. Their first day at school is a big change to their routine and it can seem a scary prospect, so practising getting ready at home and preparing for the day is a great way to help them prepare.
This practice should cover things such as their morning routine of waking up, getting ready and having breakfast. However, you should also help practice their listening and communication skills, ensuring that they will understand exactly what is expected when they are in class.

Pack a nutritious lunch box
Finally, ensuring that your child has a nutritious lunch box will help to keep their energy levels up, and their mind focused. Here at Journey, we have partnered with Future Foodies to provide comprehensive and holistic nutrition advice for parents, ensuring they can give their loved ones the very best start in life.
From unique and delicious recipes to advice on what to include to boost their mental ability, check out more information on our dedicated child nutrition area.
How Journey can help you
Your child’s first day of kindergarten is a major milestone, and we know how exciting and difficult it can be. That is why our highly experienced team are on hand to help our little superstars and their parents every step of the way. We have recently taken a closer look at some of the best parenting support services available to help you with the transition, while we are always available to help you with any questions you might have.