Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQs

FAQs Parent Support

What measures are in place to ensure a safe and healthy environment for my child and their educators?

We have implemented a COVID Safe plan across all Journey services that addresses all types of lockdowns. A copy can be found in the foyer of your service.

COVID Safe Measures

Ongoing high standard of hygiene is our best defence against COVID-19

  • We have set up hygiene stations at the entrance of our service and have requested everyone who enters and exits to please wash their hands.
  • Families are being asked to sanitise hands on arrival before signing the child in using the iPad.
  • Our team and children are washing their hands frequently and effectively following the handwashing procedure.
  • We are continuing to implement indoor and outdoor play and keeping our doors open to encourage the flow of air through the building and the children to access fresh air.
  • A wellness check is being undertaken for each child on arrival each day to highlight of any symptoms of illness.
  • We are meticulously following our Illness Procedure and ensuring that if any child or educator shows any cold or flu symptoms (e.g. headache, fever, dry cough, sore throat, runny nose), they are sent home and encouraged they contact their GP immediately.
  • We are also reminding families that if their child shows any cold or flu symptoms (e.g. headache, fever, dry cough, sore throat, runny nose), please keep him/her at home and contact your GP.
  • We have increased our daily cleaning tasks and ensure that frequently touched item is being cleaned twice a day.
  • All visitors attending our service need to use the QR code
Are there any alternative measures in place during drop-off and pick-up?

As we move in and out of lock downs changes may be made to drop off and pick up to limit the amount of people in and out of our services. This may require you to drop and pick up your children at the front door or their classroom.

If this measure is implemented, you will be informed via email and Story Park to ensure you are aware of the process you need to follow.

What if I want to keep my child at home? Will I run out of allowable absent days?
  • You can now access additional absences that do not count towards you 42 absence per year if your child attends or attended care in a Commonwealth declared COVID-19 hotspot.
  • The Department of Health website lists the current hotspots.
  • Absences will be available from the date the area was declared a hotspot until it ends.
  • If you’re in a COVID-declared hotspot, you won’t have to use your regular 42 allowable absences. This applies to all future hotspots.
  • You can only access these absences if a COVID-19 hotspot Commonwealth declaration is in place for more than 7 days.


If there is a diagnosed case of Coronavirus (COVID-19) at my centre, what process will be followed?

If an educator, child or family member is diagnosed with Coronavirus (COVID-19) we will follow the formal advice provided to us by the authorised health departments in the relevant state or territory. We will also ensure that all families and educators are notified as matter of priority and provided with all the relevant information and support.

In the event any of the above happens, it is highly likely that the centre will need to close for a period as advised by the Health Authorities.

Do I still need to give the 4 weeks’ notice if I decide to withdraw my child?

Yes. The terms and conditions for each enrolment remain in place.

What communication can I expect from Journey?

At this time, all families will receive daily updates from us via Storypark and email, so you are completely informed. Our website will also be updated daily to reflect the latest information.

Will the current food shortages impact the menu and what my child eats at Journey?

Our centre cooks/chefs will customise their Wholesome Child menus in accordance to what is readily available. We will continue to provide balanced, nutritious and fresh meals every day to assist with the growth and development of your child.

If I have any further questions about my specific situation, who can I discuss this with?

We have a specific email available to all families should they have any further questions about their specific situation

Everyone should also regularly refer to the Federal Government Department of Health Website at