Preparing For A Job Interview In Childcare

Tips and why it doesn’t need tricks
Sometimes when things are important to you and details matter, you like to get everything right the first time. It’s usually the same with job interviews, or as we say here at Journey career conversations. You have found an advertisement or applied spontaneously, you have taken the time to enter all the information and details online, and then the call comes, and you are invited. Now it’s once again a matter of making a good impression. But what is the best way to do that? At Journey Early Learning, career conversations/ job interviews are not a mystery. It’s about getting to know you, so today, we’ll talk about what happens when you’re invited.
Anyone applying to Journey will find that our Talent Team is incredibly fast and organised. Within a short time, you will receive feedback, and after a first phone conversation with the Talent Team, you may get the opportunity to be invited to one of our centres.
Job Interviews Are Not An Everyday Occurrence.
It can feel like an exam; after all, there are many questions. A little excitement can creep in. But what it’s really about for us at Journey is getting to know each other. And that applies to both sides, of course. After all, you want to find out as well if we are a good match. Because if it goes well for both sides, we will spend a lot of time together afterwards. And that has to feel good. That’s why we’ve put together a guide to help you prepare for the interview. After you have had your first initial telephone call, you are going to receive an email with all the relevant information.
Overall, everything has been thought of here; even a recommendation for your attire is included if you are unsure how to appear. Smart casual are the magic words here.
As a rule, you will be asked to complete your applicant profile online. The link to your profile will also be made available to you at the same time. Here you will be asked for details such as your work permit, the certificate for working with children, and references. This preparation on your part is essential, as the documents will now become relevant when it comes to where and how you can best be employed. Therefore, it is crucial to upload them before the interview.
Find out how to achieve a bachelor’s degree while working
Here Are A Few Tips On The Side
Getting there on the day of your interview
Plan a little extra time if you need to know the exact route, and if you do, too. That way, you still have a little buffer if anything unforeseen happens. And you arrive relaxed. This is important because stress is tough to shake off. When you are calm and relaxed, it helps you to concentrate on the conversation later.
And if you still do run late, make a quick call and let the person you are talking to know. It’s better than making your later counterpart wait.
Arrive at your job interview
It’s said: A smile opens many doors. For sure, it’s going to be easy for you anyway, as you will be happy to have the opportunity to introduce yourself today. Beyond that: stay natural; everyone wants to get to know you as you are.
What happens next
Our Interviews are an opportunity for you to tour our incredible centres, meet our community members and learn more about what it means to join our growing organisation. We encourage you to come prepared with questions that are important to you. We welcome you to bring any evidence of work that you have done that showcases your skills and passion.
As you have prepared yourself, so has your interviewer. They will have looked at your documents again and probably prepared a place for you to meet. So for them, it is also a bit exciting. Keeping this in mind may also help you to relax.
The small talk before the job interview starts
It usually starts with a bit of small talk. This breaks the ice on both sides, giving you the first impression of your counterpart.
Your conversation partner aims to get to know you as well as possible in the short time available. And to allow you to do the same. Therefore, questions on your part are allowed and even welcome.
You will be shown the centre or the parts of the centre where you might start working later. It depends on several factors: how big the centre is, what is going on today e.g.
Imagine yourself working here and ask: Could you feel comfortable here? What impression do the possible future colleagues make on you? Do they seem open and welcoming? If you notice something you have questions about, feel free to ask, and if you see something you like, feel free to bring it up. Keep the conversation going.
Usually, it is the following that makes many people a little nervous.
The questions during the job interview
The questions will be specific to the job you have applied for. Of course, a trainee is not expected to have work experience, but someone applying as a centre manager is.
If you already have some work experience, you will undoubtedly be able to answer questions about teamwork or other work-relevant questions. Like: How do you solve conflicts when they arise? What were the specific challenges you faced, and how did you solve them? How do you deal with stress? How do you deal with children who have special needs? What are you particularly proud of, or what is your motivation? This shall be an open exchange.
None of the questions is meant to lead you up the garden path. On the contrary, maybe this example is a bit far-fetched, but can you think of it as a blind date where both sides hope it will turn into more than just this encounter? All in all, though, it is benevolent and friendly and open.
Special aspects about working for Journey
If you apply for a job with us, you will immediately notice that we have values and standards close to our hearts and, therefore, far from being just lovely phrases on brochures. We are looking for people who share these and want to bring them alive daily.
Nurturing authentic connections with our children, families, community, and each other. We maintain our connection to why we do what we do.
Consistent and collaborative communication through our interactions, curriculum and documentation.
Showing care and respect for our environment, ourselves and others. We are mindful of making good choices.
These apply to every contact we have: our children, our families, our community, our team and, of course, to you, our applicant. That is what makes us unique. And if these are values you can identify with, we are delighted.
Your questions for the job interview
You will undoubtedly have questions you would like to address during the interview. If you haven’t had the time to address them yet, the time is now. Getting to know each other is, of course, a two-way process. Your interviewer will be happy to answer any questions you are interested in. They will also tell you what to expect after the interview.
The feedback
Generally, we give you an initial assessment at the end of the interview. But in any way, our Talent Team will contact you within a few days or even earlier if applicable.
We hope we have taken some of the fear out of job interviews. Because it doesn’t deserve that, and that is why we look forward to meeting you very soon.
Please send us your application, and with the tips above, we can welcome you as a new team member here at Journey.